The Longest Two Week Wait

Let us tell ya, those two weeks of waiting after an artificial insemination aren’t exactly the fastest two weeks you’ll experience. Each passing day, each questioning thought passed by slowly for us. To get right to it, we’d advise anyone on the same boat to create a full schedule or literally go away for vacationContinue reading “The Longest Two Week Wait”

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Our First Insemination Experience

On Sunday, October 4th at 7:30am, Maya and I drove to Columbia Fertility Associates. We entered Suite 101. Most lights were off. The secretary/nurses hadn’t yet arrived. Another patient was waiting around the corner. We both walked over to the receptionist desk to wait for someone. While we waited, we noticed a sign that saidContinue reading “Our First Insemination Experience”

Lets talk about sperm.

Definitions first: There are 3 types of donors. Known Donor: A known donor will not be the legal parent of a child if the child is conceived through a licensed fertility clinic and the birth person can enter into an agreement providing for their partner to be other legal parent, regardless of whether or notContinue reading “Lets talk about sperm.”

We were told to go Couple’s Counseling.

After our initial consultation with our chosen reproductive endocrinologist (RE) at Columbia Fertility Associates (CFA), we received a Donor Recipient Cycling Checklist. For someone like me, this was helpful in keeping us organized with tracking the several steps involving assisted reproductive procedures such as artificial insemination. This checklist included a recommendation to have what CFAContinue reading “We were told to go Couple’s Counseling.”